Don’t wait

Or at least make sure you follow through when you do.

How many times have you had something on your to do list that haunted you all day long?

Maybe it was a meeting.

Or maybe a big task.

It sat in your mind all day, rummaging around between the forefront and the back burner.

It happens to me more than I’d like to admit.

It’s frustrating.

Nothing else got done. Or at least it wasn’t done well.

You miss out on being present for the rest of the day because you’re worried about this other thing.

Sometimes you can’t do the thing any earlier than when it’s planned. And just trying to keep your mind off of it is all you can do.

But if you can do something about it, by all means do it.

Do it early.

Get it done.

Don’t wait.

But if you did...

When you get to the end of the day, and you still haven’t done the thing.

Make sure you still do the thing.

You’ll be happier having followed through.

So don’t wait. But if you do, follow through anyway.

What are you going to get done right now?